Part of the RFE’s mission is to galvanize the entire Rye community to contribute towards enhancing the educational journeys of all students in Rye City School.
More than 46% of households in Rye have children and over 70% of school aged children in Rye attend Rye City Schools meaning over 30% of the town’s population are directly positively impacted by the RFE’s initiatives. Even households without students in the district indirectly experience the positive impact of the enhancements made by the RFE to the Rye City School District because high-quality public schools play a vital role in the prosperity of our town, benefiting the entire community.
By supporting the RFE you are not only championing our district students, you are helping ensure Rye continues to thrive, attracting new residents, maintaining property prices, fostering economic development, and cultivating a robust sense of community engagement.
How can you support the RFE?
We invite you to consider becoming a sponsor for our second annual Spring Gala, “Spark The Night” which will take place on April 4, 2024. As a thriving business in our community, we believe your support could play a crucial role in continuing our mission and making a lasting impact on the lives of students.
Your support can be tailored to different levels of sponsorship. Please see the attached description for each level. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase your commitment to community development and education.